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NASA Rotor 67

This page contains various informations associated to one of the rotor 67 blade model used in LAVA publications.

Downloadable files

Original model

  • Original technical report [1]:
    author      = {Urasek, D. C. and Gorrell, W. T. and Cunnan, W. S.},
    title       = {Performance of two-stage fan having low-aspect-ratio first-stage rotor blading},
    institution = {NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States},
    note        = {NASA-TP-1493, url~: \url{https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19790018972}, 1979 (accessed 2021-09-09)}}  
  • Pictures :
    author   = {Laity, D.},
    title    = {Stage 67 rotor and stage 67 casing half stators mounted. {R}ecords of the {N}ational {A}eronautics and {S}pace {A}dministration, 1903 - 2006. {P}hotographs relating to agency activities, facilities and personnel, 1973 - 2013},
    note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500553}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500553}, 1980 (accessed 2021-09-09)}, % Fig 1
    note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500556}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500556}, 1980 (accessed 2021-09-09)}, % Fig 2

Finite element mesh

  • Number of nodes: 20393
  • Total number of elements: 6232
  • Number of degrees of freedom: 59964
  • Element type: quadratic pentahedron

finite element mesh overview (coarse mesh) - LaTeX source files
  • Number of nodes: 83393
  • Total number of elements: 28560
  • Number of degrees of freedom: 246960
  • Element type: quadratic pentahedron

finite element mesh overview (refined mesh) - LaTeX source files

Material properties

  • The original material of the rotor 67 is not defined in the NASA report
  • Considered properties: Ti-6Al-4V, generic titanium:
    1. Young's modulus E = 108 GPa
    2. densityρ = 4400 kg/m3
    3. Poisson's ratio ν = 0.34
    4. yield stress σY = 0.824 GPa
  • First three predicted natural frequencies (with clamped root) for the coarse mesh:
    1. 1B: 2040.7 rad/s / 324.8 Hz
    2. 2B: 6345.9 rad/s / 1010.0 Hz
    3. 1T: 10734.6 rad/s / 1708.5 Hz
  • First three predicted natural frequencies (with clamped root) for the refined mesh:
    1. 1B: 2039.7 rad/s / 324.6 Hz
    2. 2B: 6340.6 rad/s / 1009.1 Hz
    3. 1T: 10735.0 rad/s / 1708.5 Hz
  • Stratégie numérique pour l’analyse qualitative des interactions aube/carter [2] BibTex

Cette page contient diverses informations associées à l'un des modèles de l'aube NASA rotor 67 utilisé dans les publications du LAVA.

Fichiers téléchargeables

Modèle original

  • Rapport technique original [1]:
    author      = {Urasek, D. C. and Gorrell, W. T. and Cunnan, W. S.},
    title       = {Performance of two-stage fan having low-aspect-ratio first-stage rotor blading},
    institution = {NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States},
    note        = {NASA-TP-1493, url~: \url{https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19790018972}, 1979 (accessed 2021-09-09)}} 
  • Photographies :
    author   = {Laity, D.},
    title    = {Stage 67 rotor and stage 67 casing half stators mounted. {R}ecords of the {N}ational {A}eronautics and {S}pace {A}dministration, 1903 - 2006. {P}hotographs relating to agency activities, facilities and personnel, 1973 - 2013},
    note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500553}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500553}, 1980 (accessed 2021-09-09)}, % Fig. 1
    note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500556}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17500556}, 1980 (accessed 2021-09-09)}, % Fig. 2

Maillage éléments finis

  • Nombre de noeuds : 20393
  • Nombre total d'éléments : 6232
  • Nombre de degrés de liberté : 59964
  • Type d'élément : pentaèdre quadratique

aperçu du maillage éléments finis (maillage grossier) - sources LaTeX
  • Nombre de noeuds : 83393
  • Nombre total d'éléments : 28560
  • Nombre de degrés de liberté : 246960
  • Type d'élément : quadratic pentahedron

aperçu du maillage éléments finis (maillage fin) - sources LaTeX

Propriétés matériau

  • Le matériau original du rotor 67 n'est pas défini dans le rapport de la NASA
  • Propriétés considérées : alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4v :
    1. Module d'Young E = 108 GPa
    2. masse volumique ρ = 4400 kg/m3
    3. coefficient de Poisson ν = 0,34
    4. limite élastique σY = 0,824 GPa
  • Trois premiers modes prévus (noeuds de la base encastrés) pour le maillage grossier :
    1. 1F : 2040,7 rad/s / 324,8 Hz
    2. 2F : 6345,9 rad/s / 1010,0 Hz
    3. 1T : 10734,6 rad/s / 1708,5 Hz
  • Trois premiers modes prévus (noeuds de la base encastrés) pour le maillage fin :
    1. 1B: 2039,7 rad/s / 324,6 Hz
    2. 2B: 6340,6 rad/s / 1009,1 Hz
    3. 1T: 10735,0 rad/s / 1708,5 Hz

Références du laboratoire

  • Stratégie numérique pour l’analyse qualitative des interactions aube/carter [2] BibTex

1. a, b Reid. «Performance of two-stage fan having low-aspect-ratio first-stage rotor blading » 1979. pdf
2. a, b Colaïtis. « Stratégie numérique pour l’analyse qualitative des interactions aube/carter » 2021. oai