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Rotor 37

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Rotor 37 is part of a research program to study a advanced-core compressor design with a high compression ratio (20:1). It is therefore the third stage rotor of this eight stage transonic compressor. Of these eight stages, the first four have been designed and tested : rotors 35, 36, 37 and 38. For more information, here is a link to report from NASA.

  • Original technical report [1]:
    author      = {Moore, R. D. and Reid, L.},
    title       = {Performance of Single-Stage Axial-Flow Transonic Compressor With Rotor and Stator Aspect Ratios of 1.19 and 1.26, Respectively, and With Design Pressure Ratio of 2.05},
    institution = {NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States},
    note        = {NASA-TP-1659, url~: \url{https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19800012840}, 1980 }}  
  • Pictures :
author   = {Huebler, D.},
title    = {Rotor 37 and stator 37 assembly. {R}ecords of the {N}ational {A}eronautics and {S}pace {A}dministration, 1903 - 2006. {P}hotographs relating to agency activities, facilities and personnel, 1973 - 2013},
note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468361}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468361}, 1977 }, % for Fig. 1
note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468389}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468389}, 1977 }, % for Fig. 2}

The geometry of rotor 37 is described in the original NASA report by the following tables. The length are in centimeters and the angles in degrees.

unit values
pressure ratio [-] 2.05
mass flow [kg/s] 20.2
tip speed [m/s] 455
tip solidity [-] 1.3
aspect ratio [-] 1.19
number of blades [-] 36
rotative speed [rad/s] 1800

Rotor 37 is made of a 200-grade maraging steel[2], but the exact material properties are not provided in the NASA report.

Considered properties: 18-Ni-200-maraging steel :

unité valeurs
alloy [-] 18-Ni-200-maraging
Young's modulus [GPa] 180
density [kg/m3] 8000
Poisson's ratio [-] 0.3
yield stress [GPa] 1.38

First three natural frequencies (with clamped root) for the mesh:

  1. (1B): 5291.8 rad/s / 842.2 Hz
  2. (1T): 15928.2 rad/s / 2535.0 Hz
  3. (2B): 19227.7 rad/s / 3060.2 Hz

Fichiers téléchargeables

Le rotor 37 appartient à un programme de recherche visant à étudier une conception de compresseur possédant un grand taux de compression (20:1). Il est donc le rotor du troisième étage de ce compresseur transsonique de huit étages. Parmi ces huit étages, les quatre premiers ont été conçus et testés, ils correspondent aux rotors 35, 36, 37 et 38. Pour plus d'information, voici un lien vers rapport de la NASA.

  • Rapport technique original [1]:
    author      = {Moore, R. D. and Reid, L.},
    title       = {Performance of Single-Stage Axial-Flow Transonic Compressor With Rotor and Stator Aspect Ratios of 1.19 and 1.26, Respectively, and With Design Pressure Ratio of 2.05},
    institution = {NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States},
    note        = {NASA-TP-1659, url~: \url{https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19800012840}, 1980 }}  
  • Photographies :
author   = {Huebler, D.},
title    = {Rotor 37 and stator 37 assembly. {R}ecords of the {N}ational {A}eronautics and {S}pace {A}dministration, 1903 - 2006. {P}hotographs relating to agency activities, facilities and personnel, 1973 - 2013},
note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468361}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468361}, 1977 }, % for Fig. 1
note     = {\href{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468389}{https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17468389}, 1977 }, % for Fig. 2}

La géométrie du rotor 37 est décrite dans le rapport d'origine de la NASA par les tableaux suivants. Les grandeurs sont en centimètres et en degrés.

unités valeurs
taux de compression [-] 2,05
débit massique [kg/s] 20,2
vitesse en tête [m/s] 455
solidité en tête [-] 1,3
allongement [-] 1,19
nombre d'aubes [-] 36
vitesse de rotation [rad/s] 1800

Le matériau du rotor 37 est un alliage à base de nickel : un acier maraging de grade 200

unité valeurs
alliage [-] 18-Ni-200-maraging
module d'Young [GPa] 180
masse volumique [kg/m3] 8000
coefficient de Poisson [-] 0,3
limite élastique [GPa] 1,38

Fréquences des trois premiers modes (noeuds de la base encastrés) pour le maillage :

  1. (1B): 5291,8 rad/s / 842,2 Hz
  2. (1T): 15928,2 rad/s / 2535,0 Hz
  3. (2B): 19227,7 rad/s / 3060,2 Hz

1. a, b Moore. «Performance of Single-Stage Axial-Flow Transonic Compressor With Rotor and Stator Aspect Ratios of 1.19 and 1.26, Respectively, and With Design Pressure Ratio of 2.05 » 1980. pdf
2. a Reid. «Design and overall performance of four highly loaded, high-speed inlet stages for and advanced high-pressure-ratio core compressor» 1978. pdf
  • public/modeles/rotor_37/accueil.1668792884.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2023/04/05 08:59
  • (modification externe)